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Stadtbachstrasse 36
3012 Bern
Telefon: +41 58 221 72 73
E-Mail: admin.complan@swisscom.com
1. Investment strategy
The investment strategy reflects both the financial and structural capacity of the scheme to accept risk as well as its willingness to take on risk. In collaboration with a strategy consultant the Investment Management team designs and optimizes the investment strategy for the decision bodies to review and decide.
2. Manager selection
The securities business (portfolio management) is delegated to external asset managers whom comPlan carefully selects, instructs and monitors. In the search for a clearly defined asset management mandate, the investment office follows a standardised selection process with an objective evaluation. When we are contacted by potential asset managers, their contact details and core areas of expertise are entered in a list.
3. Risk management
The Investment Management team sets for each portfolio risk-controlled investment guidelines and manages currency, equity and other sources of risk across the total portfolio applying systematic and rule-based approaches.
4. Investment monitoring
The Investment Management team monitors how the investment managers meet the requirements of their mandates and initiates adjustments. In this process there is also an external investment controller involved.
Montag – Freitag
08.30 - 11.30 Uhr und 13.30 - 16.00 Uhr
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